Several things have happened recently in my life. Things which have evoked raw emotions. The kind of emotion that you don't come across very often in your life (especially if you aren't a particularly emotion person on an every day basis).
All this raw emotion of course lead to me thinking, how often do people feel raw emotion? And are there many people who allow themselves to feel it whole heartedly? I am very in touch with my deep emotions and can very much keep them in check. However not so good at my surface, everyday emotions, and sometimes struggle to keep these in check - I have a rubbish poker face!
But how do all the people who don't allow themselves to feel raw emotion cope? Do they constantly shut things away and say that enough is enough and that they aren't going to allow themselves to feel anything?
I have witnessed traumatic situations, dealt with heartache and felt the dull numb that you get when your world feels like its falling apart. So what keeps us going? Another set of emotions, the ones that I like to cling to and elevate on a daily basis. The emotions that will always trump the trauma, the disbelief, heartache and pain. - Hope, love and joy. There's a reason why we do things and there is always a feeling that we have that spurs us on. It's the hope that things will get better, hope for things to become what we dream of, hope that tomorrow or next week or next year are going to be our year. Love for the people around us, love for our talents and passions, love of life and all that it brings. And of this of course will lead eventually to joy & happiness.
If you, like several people I know at the moment, are reading this and feeling the first set of emotions, pain, particularly if you are feeling numb then I promise you it won't be too long until you feel hope again. You have to get through the pain to come out the other side. It is always darkest just before the dawn. Find the one thing that sets your soul on fire. That passion that makes you come alive, hold on to it, cherrish it and use it to spur you on. And on the days where you don't feel positive and you are struggling to see past the pain and upset, turn that into your fuel to move forwards and make a difference. If we never move forwards we would never grow as individuals. How could you ever be the best version of yourself if you didn't grow?
I heard a wonderful saying that I will live by for the rest of my life. People are like mirrors, its always the shattered ones with all the cracks that reflect the most light.
Our hard times, upset and cracks are the things which make us an individual and give us our own story. The people who have been through the most traumatic of things who have slowly pieced themselves back together often make for the best individuals that you will ever meet.
So next time you experience blinding heartache or numb pain as your world falls apart just remember broken mirrors always reflect the most light back into the world.
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