Friday, 15 August 2014

Get ready with me....

This weeks video is something a little bit different for me. But it's nice to do things for the first time, and have a little change.

So this is my first ever get ready with me video, I was getting ready for a family meal and a night out following on from that with friends.

I hope that you enjoy the video and find it interesting. I found this more of a strange situation to film myself just doing my make-up like normal than to be thinking it through as a tutorial!

I hope you are all well and still smiling, more posts to come soon.

xoxo E

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Getting Creative!

Happy Sunday everyone!

If you read my last blog then you know that there is a huge thing going on at the moment!! As soon as I am able to share more I will. But it does mean that I have been somewhat slack on filming videos and uploading to YouTube! Sorry about that!

Today however I have set aside some time to do a bit of filming so that I have something good for you for next week, and I am also hoping that I will be able to get a video up later on today but I am still working on that. It's a lonnggg video so trying to cut it down has been a little bit of a nightmare!

I am going to be filming LOTS in the next week though as I won't be able to film over around 4 weeks but I still want to be uploading! As always if anyone has anything that they want to see let me know! Can't stress enough I am doing this to try and depart some tips and tricks for you guys, so I want to make sure that what I am uploading is useful and what people want to see! If you have any requests, there is a link at the top of my blog to my Facebook page, leave me a comment, or comment on this post and I will make sure I have a look any suggestions and see what I can do!

I hope you all have a nice Sunday planned whether its a busy one or a nice chilled out Sunday :)

I personally have a very busy one and I have been up fairly early this morning writing lists, making sure that I have everything in check for what I want to have done by the end of the day!

xoxo E


Thursday, 7 August 2014

Changes & Evolution

There are times in our lives when change naturally occurs. Sometimes we enable it. Sometimes it happens and we have no control over it.

I have done a lot of thinking over the past few weeks about what it means to change things in our lives, and how often do people really make a conscious effort to change?

Whether its ourselves which we are working on, or things around us, change naturally occurs. It can be loosing contact with a friend or making an effort to break old habits. But how often do we really set out to change our lives for the better? To make an effort to ensure that our futures and tomorrow's are brighter than our today's? The unknown is always the scariest place to be, but in those times aren't they often the ones which you look back on and think, 'that was for the best'?

Change can occur in our lives at any point, sometimes big, sometimes small. But the most important thing is to be open to change. Our lives would never move forward if we didn't take a chance, or strive to go for the things in our lives that really matter. The things which we think will make a difference.

A change has happened in my life which is huge, it will change everything for me, and for others close to me. I never saw it coming, never anticipated being in this situation. I could sit and think about how scary it is, how everything I know and am comfortable with, is suddenly about to change and become the unknown. Or I could look at it as an opportunity, a chance to make an unexpected change in my life, and for this to be possibly the best thing that ever happened to me.

Everyone has things which they believe in; karma, fate, destinies. The truth is none of us are right and none of us are wrong. Everyone has the right to believe in what they want to. I personally am a firm believer in fate, things that happen which were meant to be. Things which you would never have thought, or things which happen in peculiar ways.

 Sometimes you can feel that no matter how much you try, you get pulled down a path you never would have pictured yourself on. The difference in all of this, is you can either look at it as a positive or a negative. If like me you are a positive person, then why wouldn't you grasp an opportunity with both hands? If something happens in your life that you have no control over, or an opportunity presents itself in the most unusual way, why question it? After all, aren't we all supposed to find our own paths in life? What's to say that, that specific event wasn't sent to you by some strange twist of events, or a guardian angel?

Now for most of you will probably think that fate is rubbish. Or that there is no one looking over you. And that's fine, but for those who like to think that there is something out there, greater than themselves, they will understand the feeling of things being bigger than just you, and being a set of random events coming to one conclusion.

Changes & evolution happens in our lives big and small all the time, every day. The difference is that when it really matters, you have to be brave and believe that everything is for a reason and that's how you have ended up at this point in your life. But if you don't realise that you have an opportunity and you are too busy looking at everything else around you in such a concrete way, life will pass you by.

The one thing which people always say will happen on your death bed, is that you will look back and will think of the opportunities that you didn't take, but wish you had. It's always said but it's so true, life is too short. None of us know how long we are really here for, so if tomorrow was your last day, would feel that you had made the most of it? Or would you feel that life and its opportunities had passed you by?

xoxo E


Tuesday, 5 August 2014

It's been a while

I know that it has been a while since I last did a proper post or wrote about anything vaguely interesting. There is a reason for this!

I have just had a massive change happen in my life which was completely unexpected and something which I didn't see coming at all! I promise when the time is right I will say more, but lets just say that all the major things which can change in someone's life are have changed or will be changing in the next 3 weeks. I will update on progress as it happens, but for now I can't really say to much about it, just due to other people involved and the different things which are happening. But I promise as soon as I am able to share I will!

For now though I thought I would just come and check in, mention that there's loads going on and just have a general catch up!

So as I am writing this it is clear the the British summer is officially over, there is the most torrential rain outside my house at the moment. Clearly the summer weather has been and gone and we should be grateful for what we had! But I am (like a true Brit) denying this, and I am still trying to wear as many summery clothes as I possibly can (without getting too cold).

There's nothing like a bright orange summery dress to brighten up and overcast summers day!

Good news is though to brighten up my week, my Mum is coming to stay with me tomorrow night. Which I am looking forward to! And then I am seeing her again on Friday night and Saturday! I am so excited lots of days to catch up and get some quality time together.

Anyway I will check back in with more details about all the changes when I can. For now though it is late here and I have work tomorrow. Lets just hope that I can sleep through this rain.

There's nothing quite like the sound of rain or a big storm outside while you are all tucked up safe and warm in your bed :)

Sleep tight

xoxo E

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