Tuesday 5 August 2014

It's been a while

I know that it has been a while since I last did a proper post or wrote about anything vaguely interesting. There is a reason for this!

I have just had a massive change happen in my life which was completely unexpected and something which I didn't see coming at all! I promise when the time is right I will say more, but lets just say that all the major things which can change in someone's life are have changed or will be changing in the next 3 weeks. I will update on progress as it happens, but for now I can't really say to much about it, just due to other people involved and the different things which are happening. But I promise as soon as I am able to share I will!

For now though I thought I would just come and check in, mention that there's loads going on and just have a general catch up!

So as I am writing this it is clear the the British summer is officially over, there is the most torrential rain outside my house at the moment. Clearly the summer weather has been and gone and we should be grateful for what we had! But I am (like a true Brit) denying this, and I am still trying to wear as many summery clothes as I possibly can (without getting too cold).

There's nothing like a bright orange summery dress to brighten up and overcast summers day!

Good news is though to brighten up my week, my Mum is coming to stay with me tomorrow night. Which I am looking forward to! And then I am seeing her again on Friday night and Saturday! I am so excited lots of days to catch up and get some quality time together.

Anyway I will check back in with more details about all the changes when I can. For now though it is late here and I have work tomorrow. Lets just hope that I can sleep through this rain.

There's nothing quite like the sound of rain or a big storm outside while you are all tucked up safe and warm in your bed :)

Sleep tight

xoxo E


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