Wednesday 10 September 2014

In the dark ages!

For those of you who hadn't worked it out from the last blog, I have recently moved house. However as most people who have moved know, moving house means that you are temporarily plunged into a black hole, with no communication to the outside world.

I am now on my second week of no landline, mobile phone signal, internet, or TV (however the TV was connected yesterday!) For the first week I was enjoying it, lovely peace and quiet, just me and my music while I unpacked boxes. Second week I am not enjoying it quite so much, and have come to realise how much all of us rely on the internet for nearly everything! And when it is finally connected in my new home, I will never take it for granted! For now though while still living semi in the black hole (at least now I can watch the news and know if the world was coming to an end) I am hopping between internet cafes.

I am one of those people who loves to people watch, so this is an ideal opportunity. Just set up my laptop, grab a drink and watch the world go by. I have to say it's lovely watching people in a city, you really do get all walks of life go by. I have been filming in the small gaps of time which I have managed to snatch, so I will upload when I get a chance! Sorry its been so quiet my end for a while!

I hope you are all ok, and still doing your positive thinking! Don't forget! It has helped me a lot recently, especially moving so far away from family. I am just lucky that I adore the place which I have moved to which has made the move a lot easier!

Always be grateful for the things which you have and the opportunities which are yet to come. I have done a lot of thinking recently about what it means to be happy in life, be successful, and how anyone finds true inner peace with who they are and what they are doing. If you are now hoping for a wonderful insight into eternal happiness, I am sorry but its not going to happen (haven't figured that one out yet!). But I am reading a really good book on how to live in peace with everything around you, and in a time of such huge change, this has been a little peace of reassurance in my belief that everything is for a reason.

For anyone else going through major change that may be reading this, take comfort in the fact that I am having more than unsettling time! Literally my whole life since 6 weeks ago has changed unrecognisably. But good things will come from this, and it is worth going through the hard times for what will be at the other end!

Keep faith that it will all be ok... I am :)

xoxo E

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