Saturday 20 September 2014

From Country Girl to City Girl

So as many of you many know I have recently moved. I have spent nearly all of my life living in the countryside, apart from the last two years when I have been by the sea. But I have never lived near, in or around a city. Until now!

As a country girl there are several things you pick up on as soon as you move to a city, which coming from the outside in appear quite peculiar to begin with. So I thought as a little giggle you would like to know the things which are so different moving to a major city.

Here are the top 5 biggest changes in my everyday life from Country Girl to City Girl

1. Hardly anyone smiles!

Walking around the city everyone is so busy they have the headphones in or they are on the phone, and hardly anyone smiles at one another!

2. No one talks on public transport!

This is the one which I found the most strange, but no one says a word. Now I wouldn't want to talk to a stranger but I mean as in no one talks. The most surreal situation, I was waiting for a bus the other morning (the one before had been cancelled) but there must have been close to 50 people waiting for this one bus, all in an orderly queue (got to love being British) but I am not kidding, you could have heard a pin drop! Not one person spoke it was really eerie, all those people and just complete silence!

3. Crossings are always busy!

I am used to coming from small places where it is rare there are more than two or three people waiting to cross a road. In a major city you are always on of at least 10 waiting to cross the road, and when you get to the really busy parts you are sometimes one 50, 60 sometimes more!

4. Hardly anyone reads an actual book!

I get a bus most mornings, and I am used to people having books, magazines, newspapers. Now the bus which I get carries newspapers so that hasn't changed. But people don't read books, everyone either has a kindle or are using their smart phones for books or to read the news. I felt very old school when I was sat on the bus the other day and was rocking out with my paperback :)

5.  Breakfast Meetings!

Now this one I LOVE! I am a huge foodie! :) Not sure if you may have noticed that already! Me and a friend started doing breakfast together in my old job, and we were definitely amongst the minority. But in a city people are so busy, they are trying to cram in work, friends and general life in at every given moment of the day just to try and get everything done, everyone is always in a hurry. But I have noticed just how many people go to breakfast together in the mornings and I love it. I met with a friend recently for breakfast before work and it was lovely, there aren't many nicer ways to start the day other than with good food and good company!

Life in a city is certainly a lot different to being in a seaside town or a smaller city/town. I have to say though that I am loving city life, I love the busyness of it all. But I have the best of both worlds, I am in the city but my family are still in the country so I still have the option of a quiet retreat to the countryside when I want it :)

Another dangerous plus to being close to a major city centre is the fact that I am now close to a very big Boots, which means that I can browse around more makeup than I have ever had the chance to before. This is a very dangerous (but one of the most fun) parts to living in a city.

Keep smiling :)

xoxo E

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