Saturday 7 February 2015

It's been far to long....

Hello all!

So it has been far to long since I last posted ANYTHING! Literally anything, nothing on Facebook, Blogs, or Youtube, or Instagram for that matter.

There is no particular reason for this other than the fact that I have just been super super busy! I attended a lot of different events over December in the run up to Christmas therefore December just got wiped out, first two weeks of January has just been a case of calming down from Christmas and finishing off catching up with family and friends over the festive period, then last week I was poorly. Back to normal now though! So hopefully I can get back up to speed!

So now that all is back to normal... I am back! Woohoo!

Hope you are all well, did I miss much while I was gone? Any New Years resolutions still going strong? I started mine... then forgot I had them... not so much a conscious breaking just momentary slip of memory. I had really easy resolutions this year, just little things which I wanted to make more of a conscious effort to do:

1) Drink more water! - I am absolutely rubbish at this, I drink coffee like its going out of fashion but not water. This was going really well, then I just forgot! Rubbish! But this is something I am going to try and consciously work into my life more and more!

2) Make more videos! - My YouTube seemed to be popular amongst friends and I was getting into a routine and then I moved house, managed to get one done and then just ran out of time! So I am going to try and dedicate more time on a regular basis to this so that I can get more videos up!

These are going a little hit at miss! But last weekend I did sit down and film two potential videos so we are making progress! I am just about to sit and edit these now so hopefully I will have a new video to go up shortly!

Hopefully you are doing better than me with your resolutions!

I hope you all had a really love Christmas and New Years. I had a manic December and then Christmas and New Year / first two weeks of January has just been filled with seeing friends and family and just generally catching up!

Hopefully have a video to post soon!

xoxo E

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