So I am another year older! Well that came around quickly!
I started my YouTube channel just before my last birthday, it was something I wanted to do to push myself outside of my comfort zone... mission accomplished!
I can't believe a year has gone by since I started my YouTube channel and since I started blogging more frequently. Granted not as much activity from me on either of those as I had hoped... but we'll keep plodding on.
So hey, how are you? How've you been? I feel like I'm almost starting over again it's been so long. The deal is I have been manically busy at work, short staffed, change of staff etc. plus I have just signed up to do a qualification through work. This means I have to take time out of my normally fairly quiet evenings to sit study instead of doing things like blogging. Although it means less down time to myself, I have to say I am loving it, for one main reason. It means I get to get all my highlights, notepads, pens, post it's, and pencils out from when I was at school and college. This makes me exceptionally happy. I am a massive stationary freak!
I am going to try and blog every now and then as part of my routine. Going to try and fit this in as part of a study break casually update you while my head is spinning from trying to absorb information out of a text book!
I will keep you posted on progress as always.
I hope you are enjoying the summer sunshine, here in England its a little hit an miss, but I am trying to make the most of it when it does appear!
Ciao for now,
xoxo E