Sunday, 20 November 2016


It's been a rather long time since I last posted. Couldn't even bring myself to look and see what the date was of my last post and exactly how long it has been.

I have been M.I.A I know, apologies. Not that anyone actually reads this regularly... I just like to think that they do! I have been tied up with work, I have been really pushing myself for the last couple of months at work, almost to breaking point in an effort to prove myself  and what I was working towards. Thankfully, after many long days, long commutes to other locations, and lots of tears (behind closed doors) I can say it has finally paid off... I secured a promotion and a move into an area of the business that I really wanted to work in. It does however require a lot of work..! But the good news is that I am going to be travelling a lot now for my job and that means that I have time on trains and in hotels which I can spend blogging... so I am hoping to be much more productive on here going forwards.

The thing is I have gotten a little lost with my blog and my YouTube, I want to make things that people want to read or that help to inspire, problem is I don't know how much people really want to hear about my life. And at the moment I haven't exactly felt inspired myself, so I don't feel like I can really help others.

I have (as always) though decided to just plod on, and push ahead. I have just signed up for something which I am quite excited about, a company has recently reached out to me about becoming an inspirational speaker for them, with the possibility of becoming a mentor for young people. - This is something which I think might start making me feel like I am making a difference again and will force me onwards.

If you are reading this,  and have managed to get all the way to the bottom what would you like to read? Obviously this is going to be non fiction... but would you want to continue hearing about my life and inspirational bits and pieces thrown in here and there? Or would you prefer something more specific? Let me know what you think in the comments, or on Facebook, or twitter... or any other social media you can find me on!


1 comment

  1. I love your blog and enjoy reading the different bits about your life and how you are getting on, you seem like a lovely person. Don't give up on it, I think more people read and take something from it than perhaps you realise. Congrats on the promotion, you deserve it! x


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