Tuesday, 8 August 2017

How do you follow an MIA post when you have been MIA again?!

So this is awkward...

I wrote about being MIA and here I am again feeling like I need to explain a 9 month absence, and before you ask no I am most definitely not with child!

Back in October I landed myself a kick ass promotion at my job which moved me into a role much more suited to me as a person and I have been super busy trying to show that I was worth giving the promotion to and that I am right for the role. I know what you are thinking, they gave me the promotion they must have thought that already... yes but I am a perfectionist and I would hate for anyone to reward me and later look back on it and think that it was a mistake!

So whilst working super hard to show that I am most definitely up to the task, I have yet again consumed myself so much that I have kind of forgotten who I am and have neglected all hobbies again. An awful habit I know, this is one that I am desperately trying to correct!

So how are you all how is your 2017 going? Have you checked in at the half way point to see if you are on track for your resolutions/goals which you set yourself for the year? - I can't even remember what my resolutions were and as for goals I think I am getting there... but they are all work related and I definitely need to sit down and have a reassessment.

My promotion should actually mean that I have a little more time for doing things such as blogging as I am now on the road more which means I have evenings in hotels with time to kill. Instead on binging on rubbish films on TV I really should be making more use of the time!

What were your goals for this year? And have you reached them? What are you doing to make sure you are focused? I would really love to hear from you... literally anyone out there that has bothered to read this far!

If you have read this far then thank you.

Love E xx


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