Monday, 21 April 2014

It's Official... I am up and running on YouTube!

So I have taken the plunge and I have finally uploaded my first ever YouTube video after about 3 years of thinking I would do it, today I woke up and just thought... today is the day.

It's up and running and out in the big wide world... if you fancy a little look....

Click Here!

It's only a short video just as an introduction for me to YouTube really!

I mainly uploaded this short video so that I could test out the whole process of uploading and see what it was like and see how things turn out. Before I am trying to upload something which I have spent a while working on and it all ends up going pear shaped!

So hopefully this will be the beginning of something which I will keep going for a while, and something which will be of interest to people.

Like I said in a previous blog post, I am hoping to do a variety of videos so hopefully it will stay interesting for people with a mixture of Beauty tips and Tricks, tanning advice and guidance, possibly make-up tutorials, and outfits of the day (OOTD - for those of you who didn't know the abbreviation!)

So fingers crossed that this is the beginning of something which lasts and keeps people entertained, and on a real bonus, teaches people something new along the way!

I had fun trying to upload this video! I am so unused to Google+ and the way that all works I didn't realise that I had managed to create myself a new page! So I ended up uploading this video to a new page rather than the account page I thought it was going to go on! (Hence why I wanted to do a short video first, I knew it would be an interesting experience!)

Enjoy! As always feel free to let me know if there are any videos you think would be worth uploading or doing for people.

My next video is going to be a make-up video for covering birth marks I think!

Stay tuned!

xoxo E


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