Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Learning Curves

Decide to record my next YouTube video.

Patiently position myself in the right lighting, set up my laptop and camera.

Spend an hour recording my make-up tutorial video (a lot of faffing about involved).

Edit video.

Realise when editing I have applied my make-up the whole way through using my middle finger...

Somehow I don't think that this is a good way to attract more viewers, or convince people to subscribe to my channel!!


So this is all a learning curve and tomorrow I am going to re-shoot the whole thing and try again and this time I will most definitely not be using my middle finger to apply my make-up! Extremely pleased though considering its a somewhat boring video with just a short introduction speech to my channel, I have over 60 views already. Which personally I am over the moon about! I didn't think anyone would be bothered enough to click on it!

If you are wondering which video I'm on about its in the blog below.

Other stuff... Exercise regime has taken a bit of a dive, which lets face it was inevitable! So I am restarting myself on a new challenge! NikePlus Running App has an option to set a training programme so I am starting an 8 week training programme to improve my best time for a 5k (which I am not going to embarrass myself by tell you what that time was). I'm thinking this is a reasonable challenge and it means that I will be getting myself fit enough for a peak in June / July time to be in a habit of running and hopefully yoga.... bring on the bikini body!

As always will keep you posted on all progress!

xoxo E  

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