Friday, 7 November 2014

Passion for the things you do

I know that it has been quite a while since I last wrote on here, or posted a video on my YouTube channel. The reason for that is I have quite simply been lacking inspiration recently. There has been a lot going on in my life associated with moving and starting a new job, and I guess I was just going through my settling in stage! Now that I feel a little more at home I thought I best check in and see what's going on in the world!

It's taken me a while to write a post because I have been lacking the passion to come on and put a post up, and it got me to thinking about all the things which we do in our lives and why we do them. I think a lot of people in the world today have forgotten how to be passionate. Or don't feel they have anything to be passionate about. I for one have been feeling a little this way recently. I have just lacked the motivation to make time for my hobbies and the things which I get passionate about. I have set myself the challenge that I am going to do something at least once a week that I am passionate about. Whether that's spending an hour on a sewing project or just singing in the car, I am going to make sure that at least once a week until the end of the year (which really isn't that far away now!) I do something which I get passionate about.

I think its so easy these days to get so wrapped up in work, commuting, watching TV, or sitting on social media that we forget to spend time doing the things which we are really passionate about. Which is such a shame, having hobbies and interests are what make us stand out as individuals. That sense of achievement when you accomplish something because you put your heart and soul into it is such a great feeling. The problem is a lot of us forget to strive for this.

I for one am going to make more of an effort to make sure that I push myself to do more of these things. It all helps to keep you happy and positive, and you never know you could always learn something new!

So why not set yourself the same challenge and see what a difference you can make just to your week and how you feel when you take time out to do the things which really matter to you!

xoxo E

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