Monday 6 October 2014

An update on progress and positive thinking!

I have done a lot of thinking recently about what it means to push yourself. If you are a regular reader you will know that I have recently moved and taken on a whole new challenge! This took a lot of courage to do, in the space of a month I left my whole life behind, moved to a new place and started all over again, and not under great circumstances.

I have done a lot of thinking about the people who like me have decided to make a huge change in their lives. It takes a lot of courage, it is a really scary thing to do, but again I am going to sound like a broken record, but I swear by positivity, and maintaining positive thinking.

Throughout all the difficult times that I have had moving, and restarting my life further away from family and friends, I have tried to keep a positive outlook on everything. I used to be someone who never felt like they had strokes of luck, not like I saw other people have. I can say that given the circumstances that I moved under, I am the happiest I have been in a long time. Which I thought was going to take me at least another 6 months to say! And I truly do feel like there have been some small and some large strokes of luck which have come my way.

Firstly with my job, I moved and thought that I would just take temping work for months on end until I found something which was what I was actually looking for. I did two days with a company and fell in love with the job and the place. For all the other temp workers out there, you know how hard this is to come by, it's near impossible. When you are temping you expect to just get shoved in the corner, given all the rubbish work and make the tea. I truly landed on my feet.

Friends and family, I have always felt extremely blessed when it comes to the people that I am closest too. But people always say when times matter you find out who your true friends are. I cannot express the gratitude I have towards my friends who have given me endless support in this huge move. My family have been so supportive, and I truly couldn't have done this move without the support of my Mum, she is one of my best friends and the best role model anyone could ever ask for. And if you watched my most recent YouTube video you will know that I got lots of sentimental presents from my family which have kept me going :) But not just the people who I have known all along, I feel like I have already made several friends up here who I am going to be friends with for a long time. People who are new in my life and know the full background to me moving, have been faultless and I count myself really lucky for this.

So on an evening when I was feeling particularly happy and positive I wanted to share the love :) If you are someone who is going through a hard move or a difficult time, just keep going! Eventually you will come out the other side, you just have to keep going even through the dark moments when you feel like giving up, keep going its so worth it. When you finally get to have the things which you have worked so hard for, it is completely worth it!

And there really isn't anything more satisfying that just being yourself. Again if you watched my video you will know that my sister got me a jar of quotes and one of my favourites which I have maintained the whole time is "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." I have really gone whole heartedly for this, because I was starting over and knew no one, I made the decision to not hide me. I am going to be completely who I am and those who are worth having in my life will soon become clear.  And so far the friends which I have made I feel completely myself around and it so refreshing!

But above all else if you are going through a change or a difficult time, remember don't give up. You started this for change for a reason, you decided to do this for a reason, just keep going. It's never going to be easy but then all the best things in life are worth working hard for.

Keep smiling and stay positive

xoxo E

P.s If you haven't seen it already here's the most recent video so you know what I am talking about :)


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