Thursday 21 November 2013

So it's been a while!

So I know it's been a while!

Already slipping out of the habit of posting something!

So Christmas is just around the corner not that I am counting... but its only 33 days to go!

I am so excited about this year, last year we had only just moved in on the 15th December, so by the time the tree was up and our little home all decorated it didn't feel like Christmas was here for long!

So this year I am decorating on the 1st to embracing the Christmas spirit for as long as possible!

Are you all ready for Christmas? I have nearly all my presents done just a handful left to get, and just my Christmas cards to write and then decorating!

 If you are looking for a way to save money this Christmas, making your own wrapping paper is a great way to do it.

Just need to get some plain brown packing paper, and either some stamps or make your own out of potato!

Click here to see an example!

Then just some paint and away you go! Brilliant way to save money and it looks really great!

Let me know if there is anything any one wants me to post in particular.

I'm going to do outfits of the day and more useful hints and tips.

As always check out my website

xoxo E


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