Sunday, 16 November 2014

Make the most of a situation

I have spent this weekend with friends and it has reassured me to make sure that I always make the most of a situation. I have spent time talking over things which have happened and things which may happen. And discussed the things which I am doing at the moment. And its made me really think about how no matter what is happening in life, it really is best to just make the most of the situation which you are in.

To try and always see the silver lining, I really believe from every situation there is something which you will be able to take away from it, whether its too have learnt something new, made a new friend, even to learn a little about yourself.

Just always try to make the most of something, surely that way you can always be sure that you made the most of all the opportunities which come your way.

xoxo E

Sunday, 9 November 2014

Do you ever get those mornings....

I have woken up this morning feeling all inspired.... do you ever get those mornings? When you just wake up and feel hugely motivated to achieve something? I have a friend and every time I see her she always makes me feel inspired to do better or achieve more, and then I sleep on it, wake up the next morning and low and behold every morning I wake up after I have seen her I feel hugely motivated to achieve something important with my day!

We had lunch yesterday at Cosy Club, (if you are in the UK and you haven't been to a Cosy Club yet give it a go! The menu at the moment is ridiculously yummy!) Whilst having lunch we had a lovely catch up about everything which has happened since we last saw each other, the things we want to do in the next few months, places we want to be or see. And it got me thinking back to blogging, I started this just as a general ramble every now and then on things which I had talked about with my friends which I thought other people would be interested in. This then evolved to just becoming mostly about my YouTube and general things going on in my life. And personally I like that, it feels more natural to write about my every day occurrences. But I have thought I can include more beauty products in my blogs and this would link a little better to my YouTube. Is this something you would all want to see? And since Christmas is just around the corner I figured most people either want ideas of things to get for others, or things which they want to tell people they would like!

I am hoping in the run up to Christmas to do some fashion posts, party outfits and make-up ideas, just to help a few of you get ready for the festive season (which by the way I am hugely excited about this year!) I personally think Christmas is a great time of year... I know there are some people out there who don't like it. But I for one, really enjoy Christmas, the food, the parties, seeing friends and family, decorating a tree, the whole works!

So keep an eye out over the next few weeks as I will be trying to get up a few more posts and videos to get you in the Christmassy spirit!

Don't worry if you are a fan of the general posts about everyday life you will most definitely still be getting these! 

Have an amazing day I hope you are having a motivation day too, why not go and do something you are passionate about today... give a little time back to the things which you love to do!

But most importantly don't forget to keep smiling!

xoxo E

Friday, 7 November 2014

Passion for the things you do

I know that it has been quite a while since I last wrote on here, or posted a video on my YouTube channel. The reason for that is I have quite simply been lacking inspiration recently. There has been a lot going on in my life associated with moving and starting a new job, and I guess I was just going through my settling in stage! Now that I feel a little more at home I thought I best check in and see what's going on in the world!

It's taken me a while to write a post because I have been lacking the passion to come on and put a post up, and it got me to thinking about all the things which we do in our lives and why we do them. I think a lot of people in the world today have forgotten how to be passionate. Or don't feel they have anything to be passionate about. I for one have been feeling a little this way recently. I have just lacked the motivation to make time for my hobbies and the things which I get passionate about. I have set myself the challenge that I am going to do something at least once a week that I am passionate about. Whether that's spending an hour on a sewing project or just singing in the car, I am going to make sure that at least once a week until the end of the year (which really isn't that far away now!) I do something which I get passionate about.

I think its so easy these days to get so wrapped up in work, commuting, watching TV, or sitting on social media that we forget to spend time doing the things which we are really passionate about. Which is such a shame, having hobbies and interests are what make us stand out as individuals. That sense of achievement when you accomplish something because you put your heart and soul into it is such a great feeling. The problem is a lot of us forget to strive for this.

I for one am going to make more of an effort to make sure that I push myself to do more of these things. It all helps to keep you happy and positive, and you never know you could always learn something new!

So why not set yourself the same challenge and see what a difference you can make just to your week and how you feel when you take time out to do the things which really matter to you!

xoxo E

Monday, 6 October 2014

An update on progress and positive thinking!

I have done a lot of thinking recently about what it means to push yourself. If you are a regular reader you will know that I have recently moved and taken on a whole new challenge! This took a lot of courage to do, in the space of a month I left my whole life behind, moved to a new place and started all over again, and not under great circumstances.

I have done a lot of thinking about the people who like me have decided to make a huge change in their lives. It takes a lot of courage, it is a really scary thing to do, but again I am going to sound like a broken record, but I swear by positivity, and maintaining positive thinking.

Throughout all the difficult times that I have had moving, and restarting my life further away from family and friends, I have tried to keep a positive outlook on everything. I used to be someone who never felt like they had strokes of luck, not like I saw other people have. I can say that given the circumstances that I moved under, I am the happiest I have been in a long time. Which I thought was going to take me at least another 6 months to say! And I truly do feel like there have been some small and some large strokes of luck which have come my way.

Firstly with my job, I moved and thought that I would just take temping work for months on end until I found something which was what I was actually looking for. I did two days with a company and fell in love with the job and the place. For all the other temp workers out there, you know how hard this is to come by, it's near impossible. When you are temping you expect to just get shoved in the corner, given all the rubbish work and make the tea. I truly landed on my feet.

Friends and family, I have always felt extremely blessed when it comes to the people that I am closest too. But people always say when times matter you find out who your true friends are. I cannot express the gratitude I have towards my friends who have given me endless support in this huge move. My family have been so supportive, and I truly couldn't have done this move without the support of my Mum, she is one of my best friends and the best role model anyone could ever ask for. And if you watched my most recent YouTube video you will know that I got lots of sentimental presents from my family which have kept me going :) But not just the people who I have known all along, I feel like I have already made several friends up here who I am going to be friends with for a long time. People who are new in my life and know the full background to me moving, have been faultless and I count myself really lucky for this.

So on an evening when I was feeling particularly happy and positive I wanted to share the love :) If you are someone who is going through a hard move or a difficult time, just keep going! Eventually you will come out the other side, you just have to keep going even through the dark moments when you feel like giving up, keep going its so worth it. When you finally get to have the things which you have worked so hard for, it is completely worth it!

And there really isn't anything more satisfying that just being yourself. Again if you watched my video you will know that my sister got me a jar of quotes and one of my favourites which I have maintained the whole time is "Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind." I have really gone whole heartedly for this, because I was starting over and knew no one, I made the decision to not hide me. I am going to be completely who I am and those who are worth having in my life will soon become clear.  And so far the friends which I have made I feel completely myself around and it so refreshing!

But above all else if you are going through a change or a difficult time, remember don't give up. You started this for change for a reason, you decided to do this for a reason, just keep going. It's never going to be easy but then all the best things in life are worth working hard for.

Keep smiling and stay positive

xoxo E

P.s If you haven't seen it already here's the most recent video so you know what I am talking about :)


Saturday, 20 September 2014

From Country Girl to City Girl

So as many of you many know I have recently moved. I have spent nearly all of my life living in the countryside, apart from the last two years when I have been by the sea. But I have never lived near, in or around a city. Until now!

As a country girl there are several things you pick up on as soon as you move to a city, which coming from the outside in appear quite peculiar to begin with. So I thought as a little giggle you would like to know the things which are so different moving to a major city.

Here are the top 5 biggest changes in my everyday life from Country Girl to City Girl

1. Hardly anyone smiles!

Walking around the city everyone is so busy they have the headphones in or they are on the phone, and hardly anyone smiles at one another!

2. No one talks on public transport!

This is the one which I found the most strange, but no one says a word. Now I wouldn't want to talk to a stranger but I mean as in no one talks. The most surreal situation, I was waiting for a bus the other morning (the one before had been cancelled) but there must have been close to 50 people waiting for this one bus, all in an orderly queue (got to love being British) but I am not kidding, you could have heard a pin drop! Not one person spoke it was really eerie, all those people and just complete silence!

3. Crossings are always busy!

I am used to coming from small places where it is rare there are more than two or three people waiting to cross a road. In a major city you are always on of at least 10 waiting to cross the road, and when you get to the really busy parts you are sometimes one 50, 60 sometimes more!

4. Hardly anyone reads an actual book!

I get a bus most mornings, and I am used to people having books, magazines, newspapers. Now the bus which I get carries newspapers so that hasn't changed. But people don't read books, everyone either has a kindle or are using their smart phones for books or to read the news. I felt very old school when I was sat on the bus the other day and was rocking out with my paperback :)

5.  Breakfast Meetings!

Now this one I LOVE! I am a huge foodie! :) Not sure if you may have noticed that already! Me and a friend started doing breakfast together in my old job, and we were definitely amongst the minority. But in a city people are so busy, they are trying to cram in work, friends and general life in at every given moment of the day just to try and get everything done, everyone is always in a hurry. But I have noticed just how many people go to breakfast together in the mornings and I love it. I met with a friend recently for breakfast before work and it was lovely, there aren't many nicer ways to start the day other than with good food and good company!

Life in a city is certainly a lot different to being in a seaside town or a smaller city/town. I have to say though that I am loving city life, I love the busyness of it all. But I have the best of both worlds, I am in the city but my family are still in the country so I still have the option of a quiet retreat to the countryside when I want it :)

Another dangerous plus to being close to a major city centre is the fact that I am now close to a very big Boots, which means that I can browse around more makeup than I have ever had the chance to before. This is a very dangerous (but one of the most fun) parts to living in a city.

Keep smiling :)

xoxo E

Monday, 15 September 2014

Fancy being a little bit nosey?

If you fancy being a little bit nosey (lets face it will all do sometimes) then why not come on over to my YouTube channel and have a little snoop in my handbag!

This is my first ever tag video... as always with my channel I have tried to stick to things which I think you will find interesting, but also the videos which I find myself watching the most. And out of all the tag videos which are floating around at the moment this is the one which I find myself looking at the most!

So I hope you enjoying delving into the depths of my handbag with me and having a little look at all the things I tend to carry on me pretty much on an every day basis, but I do switch it up every now and then!

As always if you have any comments please feel free to leave them on the video or leave them on here, and if you have any videos which you would like to see let me know and I will try and get those uploaded.

I have loads of goodies coming up so stay tuned.

For now though, stay positive and I'll catch up with you soon!

xoxo E

Wednesday, 10 September 2014

In the dark ages!

For those of you who hadn't worked it out from the last blog, I have recently moved house. However as most people who have moved know, moving house means that you are temporarily plunged into a black hole, with no communication to the outside world.

I am now on my second week of no landline, mobile phone signal, internet, or TV (however the TV was connected yesterday!) For the first week I was enjoying it, lovely peace and quiet, just me and my music while I unpacked boxes. Second week I am not enjoying it quite so much, and have come to realise how much all of us rely on the internet for nearly everything! And when it is finally connected in my new home, I will never take it for granted! For now though while still living semi in the black hole (at least now I can watch the news and know if the world was coming to an end) I am hopping between internet cafes.

I am one of those people who loves to people watch, so this is an ideal opportunity. Just set up my laptop, grab a drink and watch the world go by. I have to say it's lovely watching people in a city, you really do get all walks of life go by. I have been filming in the small gaps of time which I have managed to snatch, so I will upload when I get a chance! Sorry its been so quiet my end for a while!

I hope you are all ok, and still doing your positive thinking! Don't forget! It has helped me a lot recently, especially moving so far away from family. I am just lucky that I adore the place which I have moved to which has made the move a lot easier!

Always be grateful for the things which you have and the opportunities which are yet to come. I have done a lot of thinking recently about what it means to be happy in life, be successful, and how anyone finds true inner peace with who they are and what they are doing. If you are now hoping for a wonderful insight into eternal happiness, I am sorry but its not going to happen (haven't figured that one out yet!). But I am reading a really good book on how to live in peace with everything around you, and in a time of such huge change, this has been a little peace of reassurance in my belief that everything is for a reason.

For anyone else going through major change that may be reading this, take comfort in the fact that I am having more than unsettling time! Literally my whole life since 6 weeks ago has changed unrecognisably. But good things will come from this, and it is worth going through the hard times for what will be at the other end!

Keep faith that it will all be ok... I am :)

xoxo E

Friday, 15 August 2014

Get ready with me....

This weeks video is something a little bit different for me. But it's nice to do things for the first time, and have a little change.

So this is my first ever get ready with me video, I was getting ready for a family meal and a night out following on from that with friends.

I hope that you enjoy the video and find it interesting. I found this more of a strange situation to film myself just doing my make-up like normal than to be thinking it through as a tutorial!

I hope you are all well and still smiling, more posts to come soon.

xoxo E

Sunday, 10 August 2014

Getting Creative!

Happy Sunday everyone!

If you read my last blog then you know that there is a huge thing going on at the moment!! As soon as I am able to share more I will. But it does mean that I have been somewhat slack on filming videos and uploading to YouTube! Sorry about that!

Today however I have set aside some time to do a bit of filming so that I have something good for you for next week, and I am also hoping that I will be able to get a video up later on today but I am still working on that. It's a lonnggg video so trying to cut it down has been a little bit of a nightmare!

I am going to be filming LOTS in the next week though as I won't be able to film over around 4 weeks but I still want to be uploading! As always if anyone has anything that they want to see let me know! Can't stress enough I am doing this to try and depart some tips and tricks for you guys, so I want to make sure that what I am uploading is useful and what people want to see! If you have any requests, there is a link at the top of my blog to my Facebook page, leave me a comment, or comment on this post and I will make sure I have a look any suggestions and see what I can do!

I hope you all have a nice Sunday planned whether its a busy one or a nice chilled out Sunday :)

I personally have a very busy one and I have been up fairly early this morning writing lists, making sure that I have everything in check for what I want to have done by the end of the day!

xoxo E


Thursday, 7 August 2014

Changes & Evolution

There are times in our lives when change naturally occurs. Sometimes we enable it. Sometimes it happens and we have no control over it.

I have done a lot of thinking over the past few weeks about what it means to change things in our lives, and how often do people really make a conscious effort to change?

Whether its ourselves which we are working on, or things around us, change naturally occurs. It can be loosing contact with a friend or making an effort to break old habits. But how often do we really set out to change our lives for the better? To make an effort to ensure that our futures and tomorrow's are brighter than our today's? The unknown is always the scariest place to be, but in those times aren't they often the ones which you look back on and think, 'that was for the best'?

Change can occur in our lives at any point, sometimes big, sometimes small. But the most important thing is to be open to change. Our lives would never move forward if we didn't take a chance, or strive to go for the things in our lives that really matter. The things which we think will make a difference.

A change has happened in my life which is huge, it will change everything for me, and for others close to me. I never saw it coming, never anticipated being in this situation. I could sit and think about how scary it is, how everything I know and am comfortable with, is suddenly about to change and become the unknown. Or I could look at it as an opportunity, a chance to make an unexpected change in my life, and for this to be possibly the best thing that ever happened to me.

Everyone has things which they believe in; karma, fate, destinies. The truth is none of us are right and none of us are wrong. Everyone has the right to believe in what they want to. I personally am a firm believer in fate, things that happen which were meant to be. Things which you would never have thought, or things which happen in peculiar ways.

 Sometimes you can feel that no matter how much you try, you get pulled down a path you never would have pictured yourself on. The difference in all of this, is you can either look at it as a positive or a negative. If like me you are a positive person, then why wouldn't you grasp an opportunity with both hands? If something happens in your life that you have no control over, or an opportunity presents itself in the most unusual way, why question it? After all, aren't we all supposed to find our own paths in life? What's to say that, that specific event wasn't sent to you by some strange twist of events, or a guardian angel?

Now for most of you will probably think that fate is rubbish. Or that there is no one looking over you. And that's fine, but for those who like to think that there is something out there, greater than themselves, they will understand the feeling of things being bigger than just you, and being a set of random events coming to one conclusion.

Changes & evolution happens in our lives big and small all the time, every day. The difference is that when it really matters, you have to be brave and believe that everything is for a reason and that's how you have ended up at this point in your life. But if you don't realise that you have an opportunity and you are too busy looking at everything else around you in such a concrete way, life will pass you by.

The one thing which people always say will happen on your death bed, is that you will look back and will think of the opportunities that you didn't take, but wish you had. It's always said but it's so true, life is too short. None of us know how long we are really here for, so if tomorrow was your last day, would feel that you had made the most of it? Or would you feel that life and its opportunities had passed you by?

xoxo E


Tuesday, 5 August 2014

It's been a while

I know that it has been a while since I last did a proper post or wrote about anything vaguely interesting. There is a reason for this!

I have just had a massive change happen in my life which was completely unexpected and something which I didn't see coming at all! I promise when the time is right I will say more, but lets just say that all the major things which can change in someone's life are have changed or will be changing in the next 3 weeks. I will update on progress as it happens, but for now I can't really say to much about it, just due to other people involved and the different things which are happening. But I promise as soon as I am able to share I will!

For now though I thought I would just come and check in, mention that there's loads going on and just have a general catch up!

So as I am writing this it is clear the the British summer is officially over, there is the most torrential rain outside my house at the moment. Clearly the summer weather has been and gone and we should be grateful for what we had! But I am (like a true Brit) denying this, and I am still trying to wear as many summery clothes as I possibly can (without getting too cold).

There's nothing like a bright orange summery dress to brighten up and overcast summers day!

Good news is though to brighten up my week, my Mum is coming to stay with me tomorrow night. Which I am looking forward to! And then I am seeing her again on Friday night and Saturday! I am so excited lots of days to catch up and get some quality time together.

Anyway I will check back in with more details about all the changes when I can. For now though it is late here and I have work tomorrow. Lets just hope that I can sleep through this rain.

There's nothing quite like the sound of rain or a big storm outside while you are all tucked up safe and warm in your bed :)

Sleep tight

xoxo E


Saturday, 26 July 2014

First ever full HD video!

This week marks a first for me... my first ever full HD video is gone up on YouTube!

And because this was my most requested video I have put this up first, it of course had to be my eyebrow tutorial!

Thank you for being so patient! I am sorry that it has taken me this long, but I wanted to do my research into the cameras which were out there and available. I wanted to make sure that I got the best camera for my budget, so that my videos were all nice and clear for you to be able to follow along with what I am doing. But most importantly I wanted to get myself a camera which had a decent zoom on it, so that I could show you close up, the things that I was up to!

I hope you enjoy it, everything is a learning curve, this was definitely one of them. It's surprisingly hard to film close up and stay in the shot, so if I disappear out of shot for a few seconds that's why! I have given it a good go though, and I hope that you all learn something new, or see a technique you wouldn't have thought of etc.

As always keep smiling.

xoxo E

Wednesday, 16 July 2014

Mid week check up - with a new idea!

Hello Petals :)

Just thought I would stop in and say hi mid week!

Feels strange to be posting in the middle of the week, it feels like forever since I have posted on any other day than a Friday. (That's because it probably has been!)

I have thought of a new idea just to give you something new to look at on my blog.

I am going to do a week posting work outfits. I have had several people recently ask me where my work wardrobe items are from, or what accessories I would put with something. So I thought why not do a post or several covering the things which I have worn on a typical week at work :) That way I can show you what things look like and I can tell you where they are from :)

Hopefully this will be something people are interested in! Judging by the amount of times I have been asked since the beginning of this year where something is from, or had a compliment on a colour or outfit... I am guessing that this is something people will want to see.

Now to kick us off there are a few things which (if you didn't already) you need to know about me.

#1 - I am a Gemini (and a typical one at that) I am a HUGE lover of contrasts, especially black and white. Or if we are going to get down with the fashion lingo... monochrome styling ;)  so you will be seeing lots of this no doubt.

#2 - I am obsessed with spotty things. I'm not kidding (my mum will vouch for me on this!) If it's spotty dotty I am drawn to it. Like a moth to a flame.

#3 - I love colour! I spent quite a few years through my teens as a goth! (I know hard to picture now right?!) These years of lacking colour in my life seem to have come back full pelt now, and I am one for BRIGHT colours, whether this is clothes, accessories or lipstick!

# 4 - I like to wear things which are a little out of my comfort zone, you know me I don't like to do things by halves! If I see something on someone and think I like it, then I will try it. (Given the right occasion and budget.. obviously not just going to rock on down the high street on a Monday morning in an evening gown) But I really do mean it. If I see it on a celebrity, on TV, in a film or just someone else in the high street, and I think oooo I like it, then I will try it.

#5 - I am always open to new ideas, but I'm picky about the trends I follow / recreate. Some fashions come out and I just think oh no that's not for me. (Remember the sunglasses last year or the year before which got started because of Kanye West, which had all those slats down them rather than lenses?!) If something comes out and it floats your boat then by all means go out there and rock it :) I would always encourage everyone to just wear what they want to wear and what they feel good in. But not everything which comes out and catches on is everyone's cup of tea. It's ok to have an opinion :)

Now you are (what I would consider pretty much) fully briefed on the key aspects to my styling personality, I feel the wider world can see my clothes!

Huge build up... I feel like I should now post just one silly picture to start with just so the build up was for something worth it. (Maybe I should post a fancy dress picture first... Willy Wonka? After all that purple suit is his work outfit, would technically still fit into the theme I'm going for!)

As always if you have any suggestions of things which you want to see / hear about then let me know, whether that is on here in the comments, on YouTube, or on social media :) I am blogging, YouTubing and chatting to a camera and a computer screen to share things with you and hopefully teach you something new (especially YouTube) so if you have a request just say!

As always keep smiling :)

And stay tuned for the work outfit posts!!

xoxo E

Friday, 11 July 2014

Friday night... new video - Day to Night transformation

Hi Petals,

This weeks video is to help you get ready for a night out with minimal products and time.

I have started the video with my every day 15 minute make-up on. Which you can see here just in case you haven't seen it or can't remember how I got this look.

 I wanted to do a video to help while you are in a rush! If you are anything like me and you work full time and want to have time to go out for drinks with the girls, but don't have the time to go home this is for you!

I have only used 6 products and it took a grand total of just 10 minutes.

It's ideal if you are rushing to get ready at the end of the day and can only grab ten minutes with a mirror! 

I hope you find this useful, more from me soon.

Hope you are all well, as always stay positive, keep smiling, and I'll speak to you soon


xoxo E

Friday, 4 July 2014

Friday night is.....

You guessed it... upload night!

This is my latest video! Go and have a little look, this is how I achieve a pin up look for an everyday basis.

Fairly quick and easy, really basic eye make-up with a bright red lip, what more could you want!

I know that I have been lacking in posts recently! My bad! Just been super super busy, but I promise there will be more posts over the coming days/week.

I hope you are all well, and enjoying sunshine!

 If you are in the rain at the moment like me, go and jump in a puddle and pretend to be a big kid again! That'll brighten up your day! Obviously not if you are on your way to something which you can't get wet for, or have a super nice outfit / shoes on.... jumping in a puddle would just be crazy talk! 

Speak to you all extremely soon, hopefully I'll get a post or two out over the weekend, and will keep you posted on OOTD's next week maybe, if that's something you would be interested in seeing I don't know! 

As always keep smiling 

xoxo E 

Friday, 27 June 2014

Friday night is upload night... Everyday make-up in 15 minutes!

There's a new video up!

Go and have a little look... everyday full face of make-up in under 15 minutes!

Will check in again tomorrow!

Have a lovely Friday!

xoxo E

Sunday, 22 June 2014

Sunny Sunday's

Sunny Sundays are the best!

It's the day that I make sure I mostly have clear to do the things that I want to do. A little bit of me time. So whether that's being out in the garden, doing something beauty related, or going to the gym, I make sure that I do at least one thing that I really want to do.

Now given that it's such a lovely sunny Sunday (and I am a neat freak) I really wanted to give my garden a haircut! So I have made sure that I have done that today. Love looking out and seeing a nice smartly cut lawn :) Perfect picture of summer!

I am also going to the gym this evening. Those are the two things which I wanted to make sure I did this Sunday. I have joined a gym again! This is the first time in around 4 years, but I have to say so far I am thoroughly enjoying it, long may it last!

With the two things which I wanted to do out the way, I am just going to spend the rest of my day getting ready to go back to the normal Monday to Friday routine of work! How boring! Don't we all just wish that we could win the lottery and spend our days on sunny remote islands! Sadly 9-5 is the routine most of us live with.

I have got a little something though which may just brighten your 9-5 routine, or any morning routine for that matter!

Top tip for applying foundation in the hot weather! 

If you are keen on exercising in the morning like I am, or just generally you are in a hot building, I have taken to keeping my foundation in the fridge during the summer months. I've just popped it on one of the fridge door shelves. In the morning when I am applying my make-up I just grab my foundation out the fridge and pump it onto my make-up pallet and apply straight away. It's lovely if you are hot to apply something so cold to your face. And I would definitely recommend this to anyone who either lives somewhere hot, does exercise in the morning and finds their face gets hot, or just in general as a refreshing and awaken way of putting your make-up on!

Why not give it a go and let me know how you get on!

Don't forget that Friday night was upload night so there is a new video on my YouTube channel for you to have a look at! (Link is in my last blog post!) It's a lovely summery make-up tutorial.

Take care & speak to you soon

xoxo E

Saturday, 21 June 2014

Friday night is upload night!

So this weeks look has been based around a summery theme. Since we are finally starting to experience something vaguely representing a summer, I thought that I would get this subtle eye look uploaded for you!

I hope that this is something that people will try out... especially if you have blue eyes like mine as the gold will really make blue eyes pop!

Have a little look....

See you soon

xoxo E

Saturday, 14 June 2014

Saturday night.... apparently the new upload night!

Hello petals!

There's a new video out and about in the big wide world why not go and have a look!

These are all the products which I have been loving through out the month of May and the things which I want to recommend to everyone.

As always I hope that you enjoy!

Short and sweet with this post but I will check back in again tomorrow!


xoxo E

Friday, 13 June 2014

One busy busy week!

Hello petals!

Sorry it's been a little quiet my end this week, and unfortunately there is going to be a delay in getting this weeks video up, sorry about that.

I have had a super busy week this week, the short of it is that there is a lot of people away at the moment and there is a dog in my boyfriends side of the family and the only two people around to look after her were myself and my boyfriends Nan. Now because I do have a desk job as well as doing all the YouTubing and blogging on the side, I couldn't look after the dog during the day so we decided that it was best the dog stayed with Nan this week and that I just went over to walk her in the evenings as Nan's not able to! Nan lives 20 minutes away from us, so I have been going to hers every night this week after work and helping out, which meant I haven't been getting home until late at night by the time we had been and had dinner.

Unfortunately this arrangement was only sprung on the two of us at short notice so I didn't have time to get my video editing and ready to go up for this evening. So tomorrow I am going to be busy busy busy to make sure that it is up tomorrow evening for you all!

I will report back to base tomorrow when the video goes live so that you are all kept in the know about these things! I am also filming next weeks video tomorrow so that will be fun!

Other than that I hope that you have all had a lovely week and if you have had sunshine like it has been around here that you have been able to make the most of it!

I'll see you in tomorrows video!

xoxo E


Monday, 9 June 2014

A Passion for Creating

If you are anything like me you will understand where I am coming from.

I just have an out-right passion for creating, whether this is a make-up look, a sewing project, musically or anything else for that matter. All I want to do is get creating!

So based on this I am just here to update you on the YouTube videos, I have had a lot of comments on them and feedback from people, which is great. And I am so pleased that everyone is enjoying them so much.

I love making the videos and the whole process that goes with them, the editing, the filming.

If anyone has any tutorials which they want to see then just let me know.

I have had a few requests already which as soon as I have my new camera I will get those uploaded for you! I have had requests for an eyebrow tutorial, a demonstration of false eyelashes and another for eyeliner.

All of these will need close ups so that you can see what I am up to! So I promise as soon as I get my new camera with a decent zoom on it I will get these made and uploaded for you.

But if anyone wants any other tutorials or make-up look demonstrations then just let me know! Either leave me a comment on one of my videos, drop me a Facebook message or even a comment on here!

I hope you have all had a good start to the week! 

Keep smiling.

xoxo E

Saturday, 7 June 2014

Friday night is upload night.... M.A.C Cosmetics!

Hello all!

You know the drill by now... Friday night is upload night! (Sorry that this is now Saturday, I had a few technical difficulties and fell asleep on my laptop at 1am trying to get this uploaded!)

Which means there's a new video - this weeks video is all about the M.A.C Cosmetics that I own, what I think of them and if I would buy them again or recommend them. I'm going to apologise now... this video is a little on the long side, sorry about that!

I hope people find this useful I have had requests to review the higher end products which I would recommend the most and would say are worth the money and M.A.C is my high end go-to so I got this video together for you!

Sorry that this video has been posted so late this evening... I have a few technical nightmares. Needless to say next week I am going back to having everything ready to go on Thursday night, so that when Friday comes all I have to do is hit the go button!

I hope you all have a lovely weekend, as always I will check back in and let you know what I have been up to, as I have more celebrations this weekend. And then I promise that I won't drag this out any more! I just thought 23... might as well have 3 celebrations! 

As always keep smiling and stay positive :)

xoxo E

Tuesday, 3 June 2014

A beautiful birthday!

I have had the most amazing birthday this year, starting with all the support on here and on my YouTube channel! Thank you all for making this birthday so amazing by helping my top 1100 views on here and nearly 600 views on YouTube!

I spent the actual day with my Mum and had a wonderful day eating good food and spending hours chatting and catching up, before going fabric shopping for my next sewing project, and then coming home to find my other half had taken it upon himself to leave a trail of balloons throughout our home!

I feel so loved and have honestly just had the best time! Can't wait to spend this weekend with my family all together :)

I hope you have all had a good start to the week!

You've all made my birthday amazing :)

Thank you!

xoxo E

Monday, 2 June 2014

The best birthday weekend with the best friends!

This weekend marked the start of my birthday & celebrations. It's not a big birthday, it just happened that my family could all get together on a different date to my friends, hence giving me the opportunity to carry on the partying over two separate weekends (which I am definitely not going to complain about!)

This weekend our closest friends all came to stay (except a few who couldn't make it, and if you are reading this, you were very much missed!) and we had a great time. Just kept it nice and simple, bowling at the nearest ten pin, followed by a house party. Easily one of the best nights we have all had together as a group.

If you are wondering about how my outfit turned out... not as I had planned!

The shirt which I thought I was going to wear arrived but it wasn't how I expected it to be so I am returning it, which sent me into a miniature crisis, as at this point I had 45 minutes to get ready and nothing to wear!

In the end we settled on leather leggings, and a baggy white top, heels and my leather jacket.

And after the whole night I didn't get a picture for an OOTN post! What a Muppet! I will make sure that I get a picture and will post it at some point!

Bowling was fun as always, and the house party was great. My bestie suprised me with the most beautiful cake I have literally ever seen in my life! Check this beast out!

We also had a new addition to the group this time! We've been a solid group of friends for the last two-three years, but on the odd occasion we sometimes get new additions, and this was on of those occasions. The thing with our group is you will probably only fit right in if you have a touch of nuttiness to you! Which with our latest addition we instantly thought, you'll fit in, but we still weren't completely sure if she was going to be nutty enough... until she came out with Silvester Stalone being one of her top 5! Needless to say she is definitely now a solid part of the group!

I won't name names (to protect the innocent!) but M if you are reading this, thank you for making the effort to travel down to a birthday of someone you had never met before! I literally had the greatest time with you and I hope that we see a lot more of you soon! 

So once we'd been bowling and had the house party, we spent yesterday recovering by playing Mario Kart (32 race tournament! You guys are obsessed!) and people slowly drifted off and on their ways again, eventually leaving the solid (what was always the last 3 standing, but since we had a new addition) last 4 standing. The name game was one of my highlights! M how an earth you managed to guess Katie Price in about 4 questions I will never know!

If you haven't every played the name game, you need to try it, its great fun! Get a post it note or address label (that was all we had) and write a name of a celebrity on it, you then stick this to the forehead of someone else in the group and they have to try to guess who they are, we split our group into girls vs boys, first group to get both their celebrities won. The boys wrote down celebrities for both of us and we came up with ones for them. I had so much fun playing this game, great way to end the night!

I hope you are all had lovely weekends! If you haven't seen already there is a new video up on my YouTube channel why not scoot on over and have a look (there's a link to it in the previous blog)

Talk to you soon

xoxo E 

Friday, 30 May 2014

Friday night is upload night… this can only mean one thing!

There's a new video for you to have a peek at!

I hope that this brightens people's miserable weather days and helps you to feel like summer is here (although looking out of the window you may not feel like it!)

I hope you all have lovely weekends, I will of course keep you up to date with the events of the weekend and will post a picture tomorrow of my OOTD for my birthday party tonight.

And if you want a reason to celebrate as well why not celebrate the fact that it's Friday!

Keep smiling and enjoy the weekend!

Xoxo E

Wednesday, 28 May 2014

Spring Clean

If you haven't cleaned your make-up brushes in a while... or you are a naughty person who doesn't clean them at all, why not have a spring clean.!

It will quite literally amaze you at what comes out of those 'not so dirty looking' brushes!

This was my sink round two!


And this is exactly why you should be cleaning them!

And it hasn't been that long since I last cleaned mine, if you are someone who hasn't cleaned yours in a lonnnggg time or possibly ever - why not! Get on and do it! :)

So if you feel like a spot of spring cleaning this week/end, why not clean out your make-up brushes, or wash your make-up bag out.

You'll be amazed at the difference!

We are on the count down now to my birthday.... If you were wondering, no I still haven't got my outfit sorted I promise I will do an OOTD (out of the day for those of  you not down with the lingo, yes that means you Mum!) :) 

But yes I will be celebrating big time... not only is it my birthday, we have reached 1000 views on here, which quite frankly is unbelievable, but also my YouTube channel has just top 500 views, it's only been going for something like 3/4 weeks!!

You are all amazing don't forget that!

As always keep smiling, and if you are on the count down to the weekend, we have passed the halfway point! Yay!

xoxo E

Monday, 26 May 2014

Thank you, thank you, thank you!

You're all amazing! Thank you so much for the continued viewing, you've helped me reach a milestone which I thought would take a lot longer to get to!

We've just passed the 1000 view mark on my blog!!!!!

I can't thank you enough for all your continued reading and loyalty!

This is definitely the way to start my birthday celebrations! :) 

I'm glad that I am keeping you entertained with my day to day life and all the goodies on my YouTube channel! 

Talking of which...

I was in the middle of filming you some goodies for this weeks installation... here I am, filming away, all of sudden a cello starts up outside. That's right, you read that correctly, a cello, someone is busking outside my house with a cello!

Can't say I have ever seen anyone busking with one of those before! Needless to say filming is on a break at the moment because every time I try to film she's there in the background, which as great as she is, I don't really want her in the background fighting it out with me for mic space on my video!! 

When I do eventually manage to get some more filming done this afternoon, I will have some goodies coming up for you including a make-up tutorial (obviously), a favourites video, as well as a review of M.A.C Products :)

As I mentioned in my last post my birthday celebrations are starting this weekend, so I have decided to do a lot of filming today so that I can still upload on Friday and the following Friday. So don't worry YouTube will not be on hold just so I can continue to celebrate!

Onwards and upwards though, since she looks like she's decided to set up camp with her cello for most of the day I will get on with all the boring things!

Shout out to all the people who are doing their ironing today! Whoop Whoop!

I hope you all had a lovely weekend, and thank you again for helping me reach a huge milestone!

You're all amazing!

As always keep smiling,  I know that I am going to be smiling all week now!


xoxo E


Sunday, 25 May 2014

A wardrobe full of clothes and nothing to wear!

Sound familiar? This is my dilemma this week, it's my birthday on 2nd June as this falls on a Monday this year we decided that it was best for all of us (our group of friends) to celebrate on Friday. Giving us Friday night but also the Saturday together.

However if this was just a normal night out on the town I wouldn't be having quite the issue of finding something to wear. For a night out I have found a whole array of clothes I could wear and look the part in. Problem is we are off bowling and then having a house party! Ever tried dressing up for a birthday and then had to try and put those sexy bowling shoes with an outfit!? That's one interesting look!

So I have been trying to find ways around wearing just casual clothes and being able to dress up. But without looking like I am dressed up for a night out on the town, when we are no doubt going to be in a bowling ally full of students and families for the half term!

This is my dilemma... you see my problem now!

So dresses and skirts are out, bending over to throw a bowling ball in those is just not going to be the classy look that I am going for. So shorts and trousers are in. But I don't want to go causal, I want to be smart / casual, with a fashionable possibly edgy side to it. Needless to say hours of scouring the internet and I haven't come up with much. I am however swaying towards trying this new invention... the Skort.

If you haven't heard of the Skort already, its a pair of shorts which look like a skirt from the front. To begin with I wasn't convinced, but after having looked at quite a few websites and having seen fashion blogs on them I am starting to feel the love!

So possibly the Skort route, possibly a playsuit, maybe a playsuit with a skort bottom!

If it was just bowling, that would have been easy to dress for.
If it had been just a party, that would have been easy to dress for.
Put the two together I have given myself a hard task!

I know what you may be thinking, for those of you who are thinking its just a house party why not just wear casual clothing to both? The thing is I view birthdays as an excuse to wear something a little bit nicer, or quite frankly whatever you like! Go as a fairy godmother if you so please! I really think birthdays should be the excuse to dress up, down, go in fancy dress, whatever you like. At the end of the day the point in a birthday celebration is to celebrate the fact that you are alive, so why not go a bit nuts on the day, and make full use of the excuse 'its my birthday'. 

If you haven't guessed by now I like to take a lot of care over my appearance, yes there are days when I couldn't care less and I'll be in jeans and an old t-shirt. But on most occasions I really like to make an effort, and I find the whole putting an outfit together and wearing it fun. So for my birthday I want to look the best that I can to make myself feel good and confident, cause quite frankly why not!

I will of course keep you posted on progress, and the things which I find (that is of course if I find anything!)

Happy Bank Holiday weekend too all of you in the UK!

Happy weekend to all the international peeps out there!

Have a lovely weekend where ever you are in the world, and remember to keep smiling.

xoxo E


Friday, 23 May 2014

Smoke those eyes!

There's a new video!

This one was a request so I hope that this is helpful, I know my camera isn't the best and it really doesn't do this look enough justice. Smokey eyes are such a beautiful look and I hope this has helped people to find this a little easier.

Watch the video for info:

This look is really about proportions (if you are going for a blended out smokey eye).

So if you want the look of a smokey eye where you have a lighter colour on the inner corners, and then this fades out to black across your eyelid then this should help!

Remember your proportions, think of your eyelids in thirds lighter colour on the inner third, medium/darker colour in the middle third, your darkest colour on the outer third. This should help you to apply the colours evenly, then the trick to blend blend blend!

I personally don't think you can over blend with a smokey eye!

I am going out tomorrow evening and will definitely be using this as its my go to evening look! If I get a chance for a picture I will post over the weekend which will hopefully show you the look a little clearer than the still on the thumbnail of this video!

Have fun with this, and let me know how you get on!

Happy Bank Holiday Weekend!

xoxo E

Thursday, 22 May 2014

Busy busy week!

This week feels like it has flown past so much quicker than the recent ones, I don't know why because I haven't been doing anything out of the normal, just clearly more of it!

So pretty standard week this week, work, couple of spray tan clients. Although I have seen family more this week which has been nice, filmed my next video, completed all the editing and have it ready for tomorrow night for uploading, and just other general every week things!

This weekend should hopefully be more relaxed! And I have just found out that we are going to a party this weekend :) Which I am very excited about, and may use the excuse to apply some acrylic nails! I have had mine off for around 6 weeks, but I am desperately trying to find an excuse to reapply them. I was going to use my birthday in a couple of weeks as my excuse but I have since been told that we are definitely going bowling for my birthday... some how I don't think bowling and acrylic nails are going to go together to well! And I am far to competitive to let anything hamper my chances! :)

Although having said that if I apply them now I will only have to remove them for my birthday so maybe I won't put them on, just paint them a nice colour instead!

I hope you are all looking forward to the weekend! I have most definitely got the Friday feeling!

I am filming lots this weekend, so stay tuned on my YouTube for all the goodies which are coming up soon!

As always keep smiling and remember to think of your 20 positive things a day!

xoxo E

Tuesday, 20 May 2014

Car Booting!

This weekend has been full of family fun!

Saturday we had a lovely walk in a forest and settled down for a picnic in the afternoon. Was a lovely day of catching up and finding out what everyone has been up to, as well as games of chase and hide & seek with my little M&M's.

Sunday was a true show of my sisterly love, I got up at 4.30am to help my sister with a car boot she was going to, so up at 4.30pm met up drove down to meet her for 5.15am and we started queuing to get in at 5.35am! Now that is dedication! What was most impressive of the whole weekend though was that my eldest nephew wanted to come with us to the car boot and he was so well behaved it was unreal, no one wants to wake a 4 year old up at 5am and then have them sit around until 1pm but honestly he was so amazing! We were both extremely proud of him :)

So onwards and upwards with another week, busy busy busy week this week!

I am trying to film as much as possible this week because I am now on the countdown to my birthday! And as a treat for my birthday I am hoping to upload more than usual in celebration, but that obviously means a lot of prep work! As we have learnt by now videos don't just magically happen over night! Not if you want to put a little effort into them anyway! So hopefully I can get a few things shot this week and then I am giving myself plenty of time to get them editing and ready for my birthday week!

Going to start product reviews later this week so stay tuned for that, looking at some fun summer colours this week.

Hope you all had lovely weekends and made the most of the sunshine (if you had some)

xoxo E


Friday, 16 May 2014

Friday Night is Upload Night!

It's that time of the week again!

This is how I apply my everyday foundation.

It's official I am naked on the internet! Arrgghh (makeup naked that is!)

As always I hope that this video is of use to people and you learn something new!

Here's my product list if you would like to go and have a look at any of the things which I used in this video.

Here's the product list for you to have a little look at!

Foundation - L'Oreal True Match

Concealer: Mac Pro Long Wear Concealer

Light Powder: Mac Mineralise Skin Finish

Skin Toned Powder: Revlon PhotoReady Compact Powder

Contouring Bronzer: Rimmel Compact Bronzer: looks like its been discontinued :( Alternatives

Blusher:  Mac Blusher

Highlighter: Seventeen Glow Block

As always come and visit me on my social networks I'm on Facebook & Twitter

Keep smiling its the weekend and the forecast is good!!!

xoxo E


Thursday, 15 May 2014

A new look long time coming!

You may have noticed a slight change to the top of my Blog, maybe my facebook? Or even maybe my YouTube?

Tonight I decided it was time to add a little professional touch with customised banners, but without getting in the professionals! Trust me I am no professional and these banners may look like small changes but they have taken me 3 & a half hours to get sorted! But its like they always say you get out what you put in. And I can honestly say that I am extremely happy with what I have come up with!

I am also trying to add a more professional touch to the beginning and end of my YouTube videos. I am trying a few different touches on this round of editing for tomorrows video, so hopefully these will be changes that people like.

Just to keep you posted starting this weekend I am hoping to get some reviews up for beauty products, and at the end of May I am going to do a May Favourites video so you can see all the products which I am loving at the moment!

Short and sweet tonight as I have spent from 9am - 10.45pm (now) bar around an hour & a half (commute to and from work, plus walking to and from car, building, desks etc) looking at computer screens and now I am off to bed to only get up and do it all over again tomorrow!

Sleep tight

xoxo (Square eyed) E

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

Video Troubles!

I can see now why people have always said that making videos isn't always a walk in the park!

I recorded a new video last weekend ready for release this Friday, and I am having issues, my audio's all gone crazy and doesn't match the video clips! Argghh technology!

So tonight I have come to the conclusion that the clip is almost beyond saving, so I think I am just going to reshoot it and save myself a lot of hassle!

Regardless there will be a video of some sort up this Friday as per usual!

I have a few ideas for future videos, but if anyone has an requests feel free to let me know!

Foundation routine, outfits, products reviews have all been highly requested so I will get those up soon. But I am also going to do a summer make-up look, just to brighten the place up a little!

I hope everyone is having a nice week so far, we're almost half way through!

Not long to go now until this heatwave we keep hearing so much about is due to arrive, anyone else very excited but also not sure if this is just another rumour to good to be true?

Will keep you posted on the video progress!

As always don't forget to click Like on my business Facebook Page to stay up to date with all the fun!

Keep smiling

xoxo E

Sunday, 11 May 2014

Little cuddles and kisses!

This weekend was my niece's birthday party. She turned 2 on Thursday just gone, and my sister held a party for her yesterday.

The day was filled with lots of laughter, mini make-overs and general happiness with the people who matter the most. It was a really lovely day, and I got lots of little cuddles and kisses with my niece as well as my two nephews.

This is me and the tiniest of the ultimate duo which are the M&M's

There's something really special about little people when they hold your hand or giggle at you, and something even more special about the little nicknames you have for each other. My first nephew couldn't say Emily for quite a while, so I have become MyMy, that was the closest we got for a while, so I am Auntie MyMy and they are my little M&M's. Some of my best weekends have been with my M&M's, and there's nothing better than a birthday party to make everyone happy!

It's also been another productive weekend I've recorded another video for release next week which is exciting! A highly requested one so stay tuned for that!

I hope you have all had a lovely weekend petals!

Keep smiling!

xoxo E

Saturday, 10 May 2014

Beauty is all around

There are beautiful things every where you look, sometimes its not the exterior that you need to look at to see it!

Beauty is not always on the outside, how many times have we heard that? The thing is its true. There is beauty all around us, its just sometimes we are blind to it when all along its right in front of us. It can something such as a view, a good looking cake, or a personality. Things aren't always going to land right in front of you and necessarily be obvious, but I really believe that if you look for it through the rubbish, or look at things in a different light you will always find it.

I was driving through a country lane with my Mum, and we drove through a traditional old English blue bell wood. From the road you couldn't see that many blue bells by glancing, but when you stopped and paid attention is really was one of the most beautiful sights.

 So next time you want to fill your world with a little bit of beauty just look around and you'll be surprised what's around you.

xoxo E

Friday, 9 May 2014

Times ticking along!

I am spending my evenings after work this week editing my next video ready for YouTube, I hope you are all enjoying them. This weeks is based on tanning which has been highly requested, so hopefully people will learn something new even if it's just a technique you've not heard of before!

Even as my step-dad would say (he'll love that he's had a quote put in!) 'every day's a school day'. So hopefully I can depart some knowledge or a tip that will make your tanning easier, and help you get better results.

I'm including a range of products as you'll soon see in the video, but these tips really will work with every type of tanning lotion.

Short and sweet tonight, let me know if there are any videos which you would like to see I haven't quite decided what my next one is going to be... possibly a foundation routine.

Sleep tight

xoxo E


Wednesday, 7 May 2014

This skirt was made for walking... and that's just what I'll do!

Couldn't resist a song related title... yes I change the words, if you couldn't tell from that today, I wore my skirt which I made last week to work for the first time :)

This is what I paired it with today, my spotty dotty shirt, I am in loveeee with spots!

Very good feedback at work, a lot of people really like it. I wasn't sure though whether it was an actual liking for the skirt or sheer amazement that I had actually managed to make it! Got to have faith in the people... I am going with they liked it!

So sat editing my next video tonight which I am really excited about releasing on Friday (who can't be excited about tanning!) I really can't decide whether or not to put in a couple of the bloopers / out-takes. There's just two and their quirky but at the same time I think that the video is long enough. And quite frankly maybe the wider world isn't ready yet for me to release some Emily reality TV,  I think I need to ease people in to the uncut reality!

If you have thoughts either way drop me a comment below or come on over to Facebook and leave me a little post.

I am in a very positive mood this evening! (if you haven't guessed already I am all about the positive energy in life) I happened to be around a conversation today which was so negative and I just sat there thinking "if you keep talking situations down you are only going to make yourselves feel worse, why are you doing this to yourselves?!?" I was thinking that I was the only one who spends time wishing all the negativity away, I happened to catch a YouTube video tonight all about positivity and it only reinforced everything which I already believed/thought. Felt good knowing I am not the only one who is always trying to put a positive spin on things!

So stay happy, whatever is going on, just think of your 20 positive things and you will feel much better. (Cheese alert!) If everyone strived to spread happiness and positiveness around them every day then the world would be a better place!

Ever want inspiration or a challenge to try making a positive change, just check back here I will give you some ideas!!

Keep smiling!

xoxo E

Tuesday, 6 May 2014

Tea, Tootsie's & a new video!

Bank holiday weekend has come and gone already! As always it's passed too fast!

So this weekend was pretty great to be honest, my boyfriend finally came home from working away in South Africa for the past few weeks, and we got to celebrate his birthday which happened while he was out there, so it was a weekend filled with cuddles and cake! (which you've seen already!)

So with cuddles and cake done, (he never stops working!) it was off to the tennis to watch the junior matches, and is always where I sat in the sun it was a b-e-a-utiful day (I've just watched Bruce Almighty... got to love that film!) and painted my tootsie's and had a cup of tea!!

Hence the tootsies and tea which went up on my Instagram on Sunday!

I hope you all had lovely weekends. I have also been extremely busy this weekend and today filming videos ready to go up onto YouTube.

I have had quite a few questions with regards to my last video - make up for covering birthmarks and tattoo's, so instead of answering everyone individually I thought I would put it all together in one video. Chances are if one person is asking a question there are probably others who would like to know the answers to the same questions, so that's is going live this evening.

And then hopefully later on in the week I will have the next video up on tanning so stay tuned for that one!

Stay happy and why not paint your tootsies and enjoy a tea!

xoxo E 


Saturday, 3 May 2014

It's time for a celebration!

It doesn't take a lot for me to smile about something. It can be something as small as having a milkshake, fresh bedsheets, or a game of catch on the beach with friends. However there is one small thing which makes me ridiculously happy.... wrapping presents. Everyone loves receiving presents but for some reason I have a freakish love for wrapping.... 

It's not just the wrapping its the look on peoples faces when they get really pretty looking presents. Christmas is like a heaven for wrapping, this year more than ever I had people asking me to wrap their presents for them, clearly it's not everyone's cup of tea!

But more than just wrapping a present, putting together something nice for someone and seeing how pleased they are with you when you have gone to the effort... surely not many things get better than that!

So this week was my boyfriends birthday, he's been away working but is finally coming home tomorrow (^^ hence the wrapped presents! ^^)  so I have set aside time today to wrap his present bake him a birthday cake...

and most importantly decorate the house ready for his return! (I would show you the decorations but just in case he happens to read this before he gets home I don't want to ruin the surprise!)

Why not join me and put some effort into something for someone else, it could be anything from baking some cupcakes, to just making the effort to pick up the phone to see how someone is, you never know how a small act of kindness can effect someone's day. Think of all the times someone has even just smiled and its made you feel better!

Lets spread some more happiness in the world this weekend! And don't forget to think of your 20 positive things! (if you haven't been reading my blog regularly then you need to catch up!)

:) have a lovely weekend, and most importantly keep smiling! :)

xoxo E


Friday, 2 May 2014

The Next Instalment!

The next YouTube video is out in the world!

This is a video based on make-up to cover birthmarks and tattoos. I hope that this is something which will be of use to people.

I spent many years when I was younger hating my birthmark, all I wanted to do was to cover it up or get rid of it all together. Now I am so used to it, and (not to sound too cheesy) at peace with it being on my face, I don't even notice it any more!

I know though that like me there may be something such as a birthmark or tattoo that you may want to cover for a special occasion, or if you are like I was and you want to cover it on an every day basis, then this is definitely a good starting point.

Veil Cover Cream which is the brand I have used do a fantastic range of products. I cannot rate the products high enough. When I first looked at covering my birthmark and got expert advice this is the brand they recommended and the products and advice they gave me quite literally changed my life. (Cheese again sorry I really should start a cheese alert... bit like you have spoiler alerts!) To be able to wake up in the morning and disguise it was such a relief as a teenager, or for a special occasion it was nice to blend in with everyone else rather than have people staring at you for something! And if you're anything like me and have a birthmark and you are (cheese alert!) at home with it (that worked well I think!) then you spend a decent amount of time trying to work out what it is that people are staring at. Half of the time I never realised until people said 'what's that on your face' 'lipsticks not supposed to go on your cheek' or something else to that affect, that they were staring at my birthmark.

So life story over! Please have a little look on my YouTube

Enjoy! As always please click the like button on YouTube if you liked it, please subscribe to my channel if you would like to see more, and for now I will leave you in peace!

xoxo E

Wednesday, 30 April 2014

My first stitches!

This week I have set about ticking off another one of my New Year's resolutions, learning to sew. With the expert guide of my mother who has a ridiculous amount of knowledge and experience I have learnt a whole array of information and techniques for sewing. And I am extremely proud to say that I have not only made my first piece of clothing, but that I managed to finish it in just two days, and managed to finish it to a standard that I am happy with (being a perfectionist is not always an easy thing!).

I am extremely pleased with how it turned out. We decided to make my first sewing project a nice easy one to start with, that could teach me the basics so that I can move on to more advanced things with more confidence in pattern reading as well as general construction.

This is the completed item

(Sorry the picture is naff, I was taking it in a hurry. I am sure I will have a better picture at some point!)

One very simple black A line skirt. I am really pleased with it, and I have most definitely caught the sewing bug. I will most definitely be moving on to my next project of a blouse very soon!

Onto other things in the world, my new YouTube video will be going up on Friday this week. As I said in the previous post I am away from my usual location at the moment and have extremely slow internet! Once I am a little more reconnected to the technological world again, I will post my next video! How exciting! An actual tutorial! Lets just hope that some one finds it useful, or better yet actually watches it!

As for now I am going to go and prance around in my lovely new skirt!

xoxo E

Sunday, 27 April 2014

It's time for Family & Food

This weekend has been a weekend filled with Family & Food, one of my favourite ways to spend a weekend.

We have managed to squeeze a lot into this weekend. But I have still managed just about to almost finish editing my first official video for YouTube! Which hopefully should be going up in the next week, I'm not staying in an area with particularly good internet at the moment. I think I may break the internet if I try to upload a video!

We have managed to do a day down to Plymouth and looked around the shops, and had a beautiful meal last night, quiet literally the best chocolate brownie I have ever eaten in my life! Followed today but a 3 mile morning run (still going with the fitness resolution, although I can't say that it's going amazingly, simply because I have discovered I love cake more than running!) and an afternoon of great home made food, and cuddles with my 14 week old nephew :)

The one thing I love the most about visiting my mum (besides seeing her in all her gorgeous-ness) is the amazing food. If I can ever learn to put together a buffet like my Mum then I'll be pleased.

This is what I mean:

  • Salmon Fillets
  • Five Spice Turkey
  • Pasta Salads
  • Summer Pudding
Now that's what I can a tasty looking meal!

Another thing I love about family days are catching up with my sisters, my big sister has just told me she is doing an amazing thing; every day she thinks of 20 positive things in her life, to ensure she has a positive mentality everyday. This is something which she has just started after learning it on a training day. Personally I am loving this idea and I think I am going to try doing the same thing. I have always been a strong believer that positive thinking leads to positive things.

So why not give it a go - think of the things which are positive in your life. It can be as simple as having running water, the little things in our lives which we may take for granted someone else won't have.

I have always been a believer in being grateful for the small things in life, this is definitely going to be my new way of doing my positive thinking, why not try it with me?

xoxo E

Tuesday, 22 April 2014

Learning Curves

Decide to record my next YouTube video.

Patiently position myself in the right lighting, set up my laptop and camera.

Spend an hour recording my make-up tutorial video (a lot of faffing about involved).

Edit video.

Realise when editing I have applied my make-up the whole way through using my middle finger...

Somehow I don't think that this is a good way to attract more viewers, or convince people to subscribe to my channel!!


So this is all a learning curve and tomorrow I am going to re-shoot the whole thing and try again and this time I will most definitely not be using my middle finger to apply my make-up! Extremely pleased though considering its a somewhat boring video with just a short introduction speech to my channel, I have over 60 views already. Which personally I am over the moon about! I didn't think anyone would be bothered enough to click on it!

If you are wondering which video I'm on about its in the blog below.

Other stuff... Exercise regime has taken a bit of a dive, which lets face it was inevitable! So I am restarting myself on a new challenge! NikePlus Running App has an option to set a training programme so I am starting an 8 week training programme to improve my best time for a 5k (which I am not going to embarrass myself by tell you what that time was). I'm thinking this is a reasonable challenge and it means that I will be getting myself fit enough for a peak in June / July time to be in a habit of running and hopefully yoga.... bring on the bikini body!

As always will keep you posted on all progress!

xoxo E  
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